How To Keep Your Vape Batteries Safe

Vape batteries aren’t like your TV remote control: they’re much more powerful cells that should be dealt with caution. Read on this post to find some basic battery safety tips.


Keep wraps in pristine condition:

Always ensure that the wraps of your batteries are in immaculate condition. If you see a cut or scratch on the wrap, the best thing you can do here is re-wrap it. Battery wraps are cheap & quite easy to put on. Most vape shops can wrap your battery for free & it won’t take more than a couple of minutes to do.

Always use the right battery:

Some batteries are suitable for low wattage vaping, others are ideal for sub-ohming, and others aren’t supposed to be employed for vaping at all. When buying a battery for your mod, ensure that they come in the proper specs. Don’t just read the numbers on the wraps, as they’re often misleading.


Always use battery cases:

Never throws batteries in bags or pockets when not in use. Invest on some cheap plastic battery cases instead, as insecure batteries might short circuit when they contact metal objects. This may make your battery to vent & possibly blast.

Watch out for counterfeits:

Always purchase batteries from reputed vendors, as those will go out of their way to ensure their batteries are original.


Don’t leave your battery charging unattended:

Even when using a charger, leaving your battery charging unattended is never a wise idea, particularly overnight. Though quite rare, battery chargers are electronic devices & failures aren’t unheard of. Always keep a careful eye on your charging batteries & put them in battery cases when you’re not around.

Always use a dedicated charger:

Charging your battery directly in your mod is feasible with most devices these days, but it is always safer to make use of a dedicated charger.

Don’t over-drain your battery:

If feasible, try to not completely drain your battery – lithium-ion batteries are likely to lose more power the further you let them discharge. Most mods these days avail with some form of battery level indicator. Disconnecting your battery from the charger before they’re completely drained will extend their life.

Steer clear of extreme temperatures:

Vape batteries can bear low & high temperatures, but you would not wish to check their limits. Higher temperature will put pressure on your battery, making it age faster,, whereas colder temperature take a toll on battery capacity.


Looking for the best vape juice out there? Feel free to check out Fruit Punch Gummy by Humble Juice Co. available at E Juice Store.

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